Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jeanneke Pis et Madame Pis


Today was a good day :) 

I smartened up at work to meet a client who I spoke to for all of 5 mins because he was busy with someone else. 

Tried to explain things to my assistant but having been here all of 3 days I didn't really know what to tell her.

'Waltzed in, in my sexy see through blouse and fannied about with the press releases' until I was told "Oh, you don't have to do that, you can delegate that to someone else, it's not your job". Good to know, after I spent 3 hours doing it! 

I've almost survived my first week in Brussels... scary biscuits! I've not had any waffles, crêpes or chocolate since I've been here though, mainly bread and cheese with the occasional Lotus biscuit (you can get them chocolate coated here, which I will be trying at some point).

However, I did start speaking French, and asked my French colleage "What's the French for croissant?" He didn't find it that funny!

Random discoveries of today:

  • There's not only the statue of a boy peeing, but also one of a girl (not a very ladylike position though), the Jeanneke Pis
  • Men randomly play the accordion on the Metro and people sing along
  • Classical music is played at most Metro stations except the one I use where they play the Beatles and (why?) Coldplay
  • Place du Luxembourg is full of people from every country in the world - you buy your drink and then go and sit on the grass
  • I am still suffering from Tourettes "Bonjour, je voudrais un verre de vin blanc s'il vous plait. Gracias. Fuck. Sorry. Merci" Ahem.
  • You have to pay to go to the toilet. It's only 30c, which you give to the suitably named 'Madame Pis' - this is possibly my favourite thing about Brussels
  • I can speak French (and Spanish) very well after two glasses of wine
  • The guy who lives below me (and is having my room once I find somewhere to live) is English, and a rugby fan and has persuaded me to get up at 7am to go and watch it with him in the centre on Sunday... I must be desperate for company!
  • Tesco mobile have texted me FIVE times today to remind me that I get triple Clubcard points if I top up - their staff are rubbish ;)
Belgian housemates aren't working so they have friends round; one of them is staying for  ten days apparently. Interesting... I need a hot water bottle, my  'Eau minerale naturelle' (fizzy although it's not clear), and mon lit :)

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